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Galilee-Dreams staff

Find out more about textile art: eco-dye & design

The Eco-Dye

Eco- Dye is a traditional art. For thousands of years, people have been producing colorful fabrics from plants around them, such as roots, bark, leaves & wood.

The process

Step 1 (wild foraging)

During autumn...

On clear Galilee autumn days, we usually gather colorful, fallen pomegranates in a small fruit grove. The colorful pomegranate, one of the fruits most closely associated with Galilee, symbolizes abundance and prosperity. These qualities will be embedded in your scented sachet.

We also gather fallen acorns from the majestic oak, the tree most closely associated with the Galilee, which symbolizes strength and power. These qualities will be embedded in your scented sachet.

Abbey Rotbart, Galilee Dreams Textile artist:

Step 2 (preparation of eco-dye liquid)

Slowly simmering the soaked pomegranates/oaks extracting the essence and their deep secrets start to appear in the dye vat, yielding beautiful colors.

The pomegranate liquid ranges from soft yellows to deep golds.

The oak liquid ranges from warm browns to greyish-blacks.

Step 3 (dyeing the cotton)

Your cotton sachet, which has been treated with various natural mordants to help modify the colors, is slowly soaked in the natural pomegranate dye, sometimes remaining there for a few days so that the cotton fibers of the sachet absorb the pomegranate’s colors to the fullest.

Pomegranate eco-dye

The Pomegranate dyed scented sachet is designed to remind us of the abundance in our life, symbolized by the colorful pomegranate. By dyeing the scented sachet with colors made from Galilee's pomegranate fruits, we embed into your sachet the qualities attributed to the pomegranate throughout the ages.

Oak eco-dye

The sachet is dyed with Galilee oak trees' acorns so that the cotton fibers of the sachet absorb the oak's colors to the fullest.

Sage eco-dye

The Sage-dyed scented sachet is an original gift designed to remind us of the wisdom in our life, symbolized by the powerful Sage- the Savior.


The Design

Pomegranate (gold/silver)

Our textile artist adds to your sachet an original golden/silver pattern of a beautiful pomegranate designed to remind you of the abundance and prosperity in your life and the power of nature.

Peace-Dove design

Our textile artist prints on the eco-dyed sachet an original design of a dove holding an olive branch - a symbol of optimism and peace thus ensuring a unique look and feel.

Star of David design gold/silver

Our textile artist adds to each sachet beautiful golden/silver original patterns of Magen David - The Star of David, designed to safeguard and shield you.

בורא מיני בשמים:

Your scented sachet is great for the Jewish

Havdalah ceremony. It is perfect for ushering in the fresh new



Our textile artist adds to each sachet a beautiful green original pattern of the Sage flower designed to remind us of the blossom in our life.

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