Return & Refund Policy
For any undamaged-unopened (in its original cover) product, simply return it with its included accessories and packaging along with the original receipt (or gift receipt) within 14 days of the date you receive the product, and we will exchange it or offer a refund based upon the original payment method. In addition, please note the following: (i) Products can be returned only in the country in which they were originally purchased;
** When returning merchandise, incoming Israeli customs duties may be charged. This amount may be subtracted from your refund or return value. If this will be the case, Galilee-Dreams staff will notify you before you receive authorization to return the item.
For other products, please tell us exactly what's the problem
We are committed to giving you the best solutions. For that, you have to send us a photo of the item if you think it is damaged. Please fill this short form so we can help you as soon as possible. Galilee-Dreams will determine based on the problem and value of the item how to resolve your problem. It is important to wait for a response before taking any additional action.